Death in psychology

In the late XIX - early XX century, the belief in scientific knowledge of the world has reached apotheosis. Newest rationalism attempted to solve our phobias, motivation, emotions, etc. Do not just on the atoms. However, the initial euphoria gave way to gradual disappointment - it turned out, that death is not as hard as it said - it is much more complicated. In addition, a large number of schools and trends in psychology have made possible a unified treatment of the notion of death from the standpoint of the science. The famous Sigmund Freud famously tried to deal with the problem by entering the terms "craving for life and the craving for death." According to Freud, attraction to death (Todestriebe) - it is inherent in the individual, usually unconscious tendency to self-destruction to return to the inorganic state. In full accordance with the dialectics of Hegel craving for life and attraction to the opposite of death, and united in the same time. Seeking confirmation of their ideas in the work of biologists, Freud said about the remarkable similarity of the German geneticist A. Veysmanom division on the death SOMU (the body in the narrow sense) and immortal (under certain conditions) germplasm with the division into craving for death and for life. Turning briefly to the sharply dualistic understanding of the nature of attraction, the Austrian psychiatrist, said that, on the theory of E. Goering, in a living substance occurring continuously, two kinds of opposite direction, some - shaping, assimilyatornogo, others - a destructive, dissimilyatornogo mud. "Should we try to learn in these two vital areas of our work both attraction - attraction to the life and craving for death? - Asks Freud. - But we can not hide and that we are inadvertently caught in the harbor of philosophy for which Death is "the result of its own and, therefore, the purpose of life..." The modern researcher Dr. Elizabeth Kyubler Ross (USA), dealing with the world through binoculars Freud and Jung, writes: "If we Obernai back and turn to the cultures of the past, we see that the death of all the century was perceived as a man of misfortune, and, obviously, so will always be. For the psychiatrist it is obvious, and probably can beat the best explained in terms of our understanding of the unconscious "I"; nesoznayuschego reason for death in relation to himself quite unthinkable. For our unconscious is inconceivable to imagine the real end his life here at land, and if that my life should end, the end is always connected with the interference of evil forces from outside. Speaking simply, in our nesoznayuschem mind, we can only be killed; unthinkable death from natural causes or old age. Therefore, death as such is associated with the frightening effects , evil act, something that mere crying for revenge and square...

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